Winter Stinks

Ok, well judging by the title of the post, you can guess where my frame of mind is. I told you on the about page that I was given to bouts of self-pity and other self-destructive behavior. So, you were warned. It can’t always be unicorns and rainbows. I am truly fed up. The snow and more snow and temperatures below 20*- like all the time. And this has been an easy winter in terms of accumulation, hardly any snow at all, compared to averages for this Northern Michigan town. But, I am miserable. I called my husband at work, crying about winter.

Restored former mental hospital in Traverse City, Michigan

Restored former mental hospital in
Traverse City, Michigan

So, what is it about winter that becomes intolerable for me? Aside from the obvious, freezing ass temperatures and inconveniences of walking and driving on ice? It is an idle time. A quiet time for reflection and retreat. Lots of time spent around the fire with the family. It’s driving me crazy. I have had enough down time. I’m not at the Jack in The Shining point quite yet, but not far off. It’s Cabin Fever meets Winter Blues. I have to get OUTSIDE!

And so, what is there to do around here in February, if you aren’t on a plane to the Bahamas? I am seriously thinking about checking out this Yeti Fest coming up in Suttons Bay, Michigan. One of the events? A yeti look-a-like contest. What isn’t to love about that? I’m going. And then we have The Traverse City Winter Comedy Festival. Well timed, Mr Moore, well-timed. Everyone is desperate for some entertainment around here and could use a laugh. Maybe, I will pop into The Village at Traverse Commons for the indoor Farmer’s Market. It is located in The Mercato in Building 50. As a side note, the restoration project of this former state-run mental hospital is one of  the largest architectural repurpose projects in the country. It is a beautiful space and I’m sure that looking at kale and root vegetables will help me forget that it is 14* outside.

Anyone else feeling the cabin fever winter blues and want to join me for The Yeti Fest beard contest followed by some kale soup?

5 thoughts on “Winter Stinks

  1. Lisa. I love all the great info. especially about the mental hospital. Given your description of your mental state I thought you were being clever. Gives me ideas for things to check out this summer

    Love J

    This note comes from Denver a place I had not planned to be. Maybe I have arrived at the edge of all my plans. Sitting on a plane in Denver

    Sent from my iPhone

  2. I wouldn’t be apposed to checking myself into a spa, preferably in a warmer climate, just until the snow melts.

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